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7 October 2022
Fund segregations
For the fund ERSTE STOCK EUROPE EMERGING, the illiquid, non-fungible assets of the fund will be segregated effective 7 October 2022. These assets with the designation “ABW ERSTE STOCK EUROPE EMERGING – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung” will be wound up starting on 8 October 2022. The remaining, liquid assets of ERSTE STOCK EUROPE EMERING can be dealt in again starting on 10 October 2022.
The unit-holders will be informed of the segregation directly in accordance with Section 133 of the InvFG 2011.
You can find more details at:
Exchange ratio:
In contrast to the split ratio of the unit certificates of 1:1, the amortised cost will be allocated at a ratio of 55.2169% (segregated fund ERSTE STOCK EUROPE EMERGING) to 44.7831% (segregated assets or side pocket ABW ERSTE STOCK EUROPE EMERGING – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung).
ISIN: AT0000A2ZTF2, AT0000A2ZTG0, AT0000A2ZTD7, AT0000A2ZTH8, AT0000A2ZTC9, AT0000A2ZTE5
You can find the annual liquidation report and quarterly report here.