
Cooperation in the field of sustainability


Logo of Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company

Sustainalytics – engagement partner

On behalf of Erste Asset Management and other investors, Sustainalytics communicates with companies in order to highlight sustainability issues and to promote sustainability in these companies.

Logo of ISS

ISS – voting partner

ISS (Institutional Shareholder Services) bundles all documents of Annual General Meetings and extraordinary shareholder meetings for Erste Asset Management. In this area the company is market leader.

MSCI - ESG-Research partner

MSCI ESG provides insights into ESG risks and opportunities of companies and countries.

Institutional Shareholder Services Germany AG – Research partner

Institutional Shareholder Services Germany AG regularly assesses the sustainability of companies worldwide. The focus is on

  • large listed companies
  • listed companies with a strong focus on sustainability
  • unlisted issuers of bonds


The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) of the United Nations form the basis of sustainable investment at Erste Asset Management. As signatory of said PRI, Erste Asset Management adheres to the following six principles in its investment policy:

1. We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
2. We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
3. We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
4. We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
5. We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
6. We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.

Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)

With its expertise, WWF is one of the world’s biggest and most renowned environmental protection organisations. In 2006 the Erste AM and WWF Austria started an alliance that spawned the ERSTE WWF STOCK ENVIRONMENT. For this purpose, WWF set up an environmental advisory board ensuring compliance with the strict ecological and social criteria in the selection of the fund shares. Erste AM donates a part of the fund management costs for the water and climate protection programme of WWF Austria. This does not affect the return of the client.


On 31 January 2019, Erste Asset Management was accepted by the Admissions Committee of Spainsif as new member. Spainsif is the platform for sustainable and responsible investments in Spain. The goal is to promote the integration of environmental, social, and governance criteria in the investment policy through the dialogue with various social groups.

The members of Spainsif are financial and management companies, numerous service providers and charitable organisations, which are committed to sustainability.

Management cooperation


Erste Asset Management does not only cooperate with special investment institutions, but also with internationally or globally operating investment banks. We have access to world-renowned reseachers and to external sector and country specialists for special research reports (e.g. emerging markets, pharmaceuticals, etc.).

In portfolio management we do not claim to hold specific knowledge available in-house for every category. Especially for niche or special strategies such as for example Japanese equities or special high-yield segments, we like to resort to the know-how of external asset managers and partners.

At the moment we cooperate intensively with the following houses:

GaveKal – the Erste Asset Management partner for Research

GaveKal is a leading provider of global investment research. The company was founded in 2001 by Charles Gave, Anatole Kaletsky and Louis-Vincent Gave. GaveKal acts as investment advisor to several funds. The head office is in Hong Kong. There are also branches in the USA, Europe and China. GaveKal offers data services and asset management. The company communicates its ideas and concepts through seminars and publications.

Invesco – the Erste Asset Management partner for quantitative equity strategies

Invesco is one of the largest independent investment companies in the world. They have an operational network in 25 countries. The company is headquartered in Atlanta in the United States. Invesco is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is a member of the S&P 500 Index. Invesco's teams have clear investment philosophies. They consistently manage risk and quality. The Invesco product range is broadly diversified. It covers all major equity and bond markets. It also includes alternative asset classes on a regional and global level.

Prudential – the Erste Asset Management partner for US high-yield bonds

Prudential Financial, Inc. is one of the largest financial services institutions in the world. Based in Newark, New Jersey (USA), the company provides customers with asset management and insurance services in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the USA.



Vereinigung Österreichischer Investmentgesellschaften (VÖIG; Association of Austrian Investment Fund Management Companies)

Vereinigung Österreichischer Investmentgesellschaften (VÖIG) is the umbrella organisation for all Austrian investment fund management companies and all Austrian real estate investment fund management companies.

The purpose and duty of this association, which is organised under the Associations Act, is to promote the domestic investment industry and to provide support to the association’s members. VÖIG participates in the evaluation of national and international (primarily European) rules that affect the interests of its members. It is in permanent contact with ministries, authorities, and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) and exchanges information with national and international organisations and associations.

Österreichische Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management (ÖVFA; Austrian Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management)

Österreichische Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management is the professional organisation of financial analysts and asset managers in Austria and has more than 300 members at home and abroad. The course provided by ÖVFA in cooperation with VÖIG is the only certificate accredited by the international Association of Certified International Investment Analysts (ACIIA) in Austria.ÖVFA is prominently involved in the establishment of standards in capital markets (e.g. GIPS, Corporate Governance Code, Austrian Research Standards and Code of Ethics) and has sponsored the Börsepreis (Stock Exchange Award) for 20 years, i.e. the only Austrian award for outstanding achievements of listed companies.

Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H.

Information about investor protection

Erste Asset Management GmbH is subject to Part 3 of the regulations of the Deposit Guarantee Schemes and Investor Compensation Act (Einlagensicherungs- und Anlegerentschädigungsgesetz – ESAEG) and is member of Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H., the standardised guarantee institution installed by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO).

For information on investor protection, please visit the homepage of Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H.


This document is an advertisement. Please refer to the prospectus of the UCITS or to the Information for Investors pursuant to Art 21 AIFMG of the alternative investment fund and the Key Information Document before making any final investment decisions. Unless indicated otherwise, source: Erste Asset Management GmbH. Our languages of communication are German and English.

The prospectus for UCITS (including any amendments) is published in accordance with the provisions of the InvFG 2011 in the currently amended version. Information for Investors pursuant to Art  21 AIFMG is prepared for the alternative investment funds (AIF) administered by Erste Asset Management GmbH pursuant to the provisions of the AIFMG in connection with the InvFG 2011. The fund prospectus, Information for Investors pursuant to Art  21 AIFMG, and the Key Information Document can be viewed in their latest versions at the website within the section mandatory publications  or obtained in their latest versions free of charge from the domicile of the management company and the domicile of the custodian bank. The exact date of the most recent publication of the fund prospectus, the languages in which the Key Information Document is available, and any additional locations where the documents can be obtained can be viewed on the website A summary of investor rights is available in German and English on the website as well as at the domicile of the management company.

The management company can decide to revoke the arrangements it has made for the distribution of unit certificates abroad, taking into account the regulatory requirements.

Detailed information on the risks potentially associated with the investment can be found in the fund prospectus or Information for investors pursuant to Art 21 AIFMG of the respective fund. If the fund currency is a currency other than the investor's home currency, changes in the corresponding exchange rate may have a positive or negative impact on the value of his investment and the amount of the costs incurred in the fund - converted into his home currency.

Our analyses and conclusions are general in nature and do not take into account the individual needs of our investors in terms of earnings, taxation, and risk appetite. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of the future performance of a fund.